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How to setup cFos Outlook DAV


  1. Run the cFos Outlook DAV installer to add cFos Outlook DAV as Outlook Add-in. It is tested with Outlook 2013, but should also work with Outlook 2010.

    2. Start Outlook and create a new calendar folder. The name must begin with “caldav” (case insensitive), for example “caldav_google”, “caldavpnet” or “CalDAV-DAViCal”.
    3. As soon as the folder is created, please restart Outlook. Now a little setup dialog should pop up. Select the config file corresponding to your newly created Outlook folder and enter the URL of your CalDAV calendar server, your username and password. You can also specifiy the sync-interval. Then restart Outlook one more time.

URL for a kronolith calendar IAS

For a IAS calendar the URL is<your username>/ where username is the same you use for the mail.

CalDAV URL for cFos Personal Net

For cFos Personal Net the CalDAV URL is http://your_pnet_domain/private/your_user_name/caldav_personal, where yourpnetdomain is the domain or IP address of your cFos Personal Net server or localhost or a local IP address in your LAN. yourusername is the name of owner of the calendar, e.g. admin.

URL for Google Calendar

For Google Calendar the URL is (make sure that your URL is of the “https” protocol, because “http” addresses will not work). yougooglecalendarid for your primary calendar is your Google email address. However, for all other calendars, the calendar ID has the format [longstring] 
You can retrieve the calendar ID at by clicking on the “down” arrow next to your calendar and selecting “Calendar settings”. 
As user name and password use the same information as for other Google services. 
For further information you might consider having a look at our detailed illustrated instructions .

URL for DAViCal calendar

For a DAViCal calendar the URL is http://your_davical_server/caldav.php/your_davical_account/calendar, where yourdavicalserver is the domain or IP address of your DAViCal server. yourdavicalaccount is the username for your calendar and the password is the one assigned to this user.

cFos Outlook DAV operation

When you start Outlook, cFos Outlook DAV tries to synchronize all calendar events of your Outlook CalDAV folder with the CalDAV server. If something on the server has changed, the changes are reflected in your Outlook folder. So events added or modified on the server will be added or modified in your local folder. Event deleted on the server will be deleted in your local folder. This synchronisation is done every n minutes depending on the sync interval you specified in the folder setup. Whenever you add, change or delete an event in your local folder cFos Outlook DAV will immediately try to update the server. The folder configuration data is stored in the directoryc:\users\yourusername\appdata\local\cfos\outlookdav. The directoryc:\programdata\cfos\outlookdav contains foldersetup.hta, so you can later change your configuration. Passwords are stored with a preceding “!” and encrytped on-the-fly as soon as cFos Outlook DAV needs them. In c:\programdata\cfos\outlook_dav you also find a file trace.txt with a log of the last recent sync operations.

synchronisation_outlook.txt · Last modified: 2014/07/24 11:49 by webadm